Delivering your shares

Fridays summer Leelanau County
​ drop off sites:

The farm Lake Leelanau (after 4:00)

Suttons Bay (5:00)

Glen Arbor (6:00)

Tuesdays summer Traverse City drop off sites:

Eastside (after 5:00)

Central (after 5:15)

Westside (after 5:30)

Spring and Winter share drop off sites:

Central Traverse City location

The farm Lake Leelanau. There are car pools that take turns picking up each other's shares for Suttons Bay, Glen Arbor and Maple City.

We have always believed that drop off sites are not only convenient, but also help in reducing our mutual carbon footprint. It makes sense to have one delivery vehicle bring 80 shares into town rather than expect 80 cars to drive out to Lake Leelanau every week for a share of vegetables. Likewise it makes sense to deliver Leelanau County shares in one vehicle to centralized village sites. Our share price has always included this benefit. 

We do not disclose the exact dropoff site address until officially signed up to uphold our amazing pickup site households privacy.